
Monday, 29 April 2013

Pucca # 10

Early lunch at 11.25am

My Mom, Ibu Mithali. She cooked a lot when she's happy and kaum kerabat yang sikit menjadi mangsa kena habiskan. (Ada lagi macam penuh 1 kuali je kat umah tadi). Need to spare my perut for next round bila balik umah nanti. *sigh*

Anyway, the taste is super marveleous. Sebab ada ikan goreng, cili benggala and kacang panjang. If hirisan serai ada sekali, for sure lebih terangkat.

Pucca # 9

Price : RM 34.99
Kedai : Bata

This shoe is sangatlah menyelesakan kaki. I tried Scholl yang beratus harganya before but impactnya sama sahaja dengan harga selipar yang jauh lebih murah ini. Baik beli yang ini.

So, I bought 2 pairs. Satu untuk pakai jalan-jalan di rumah and another one to use in the office.

Pucca # 8

Left : Blue Lagoon
Right : Gummy Bear

@ Kedai Ikan Pak Atan (The Manhattan Fish Market)

Taste : Okaylah (Nama air kemain dahsyat)

Pucca # 7

This guy is hillarious (and awesome too!! Handsome not sure...hahahah) 

Sapa yang ada Twitter, sangat recommended to follow him.

And dia ada Instagram too.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Intai blog orang

Dalam masa 2 minggu ini, I managed to khatam these blogs:
(1) Maikorner - within a week, but mencecah juga ke second week.
(2) Belladonna - within 2 days je. Hebat tak? 

Maikorner has been introduced by my Lil Sis. She told me last time to read about this beautiful girl (Malaysia) yang kahwin dengan foreigner (US) and they have such a beautiful n adorable princess. Their daughter's name pun unique = Aiyu. Masa mula baca first entry pun sudah berjaya menawan kalbu. Mana tak dok mengadap setiap hari bila ada masa terluang. Terus recommend to Si Cantik and dia pun tergoda juga. But, dah 3 weeks past, dia baru habis baca year 2011. Mengeja ke membaca sayang ooii!!!

Belladona - I noticed her blog masa baca blog Izuan and also Esah. Both of them asyik dok mentioned her name in some of their entries. Ada gambar dalam Izuan's blog, but I don't know sama ada same person or not. Masa blog hoping tu. I tried to click her blog, but it is open to invited reader saja. Sedih betul.. Then, I tried my luck again this week. Wah... sudah boleh. Apalagi, start from earlier post. Nasib baik tak banyak and tu yang within 2 days je khatam. Hahahahah...

Frankly speaking, I suka baca blog Maikorner because the blog tells about her life and she is so humble. Walaupun banyak kisah her daughter, but she wrote it in proper way. And since dia pulak ada jual barang online (and ada pula jual my favourite brand), maka tangan ini sudah mula gatal berkira-kira untuk membeli sesuatu.

About Belladonna pula, I don't know. I just love to read her blog. Sebabnya, I can feel 'something' when she talked about her life. Macam ada something yang remind me to my missing friend. Oh ya,  I learn something too tapi susah nak explain kat sini... 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

I am currently....

Since last month, I tetiba buat kerja stalking orang. I tell you it was soooooooooooo fun. I read somewhere mentioned that perempuan kalau buat research mengalahkan FBI. So far, I'm very happy with my stalking results. Oh ya, for your information, I did for good reason. I mean, I want to know about this 'friend' life more than I supposed to. 

Alah, bukan susah mana pun, from 'muka buku', 'burung biru' and sometimes from one glamour forum. Don't cakap I menyibuk or what. I have my own reason. Main reason, I know this friend is now having a big problem. Walaupun dia bercerita dengan I, tapi masalahnya I ni pula mengamalkan kaedah, I won't ask him in details. I bukan ikut cara Inspektor Shahab. Bila dia cerita, I dengar and at the same time, I tanya sikit-sikit sahajalah walaupun dalam hati ini meronta-ronta nak tahu in details. 

I tahu this friend memang surely akan jawab all my soalan kalau I tanya banyak-banyak pun sebab dia memang dah paham sangat perangai I yang ini tapi, for the time being, I kena limitkanlah soalan I ikut keadaan semasa dia. 

Thanks to internet, especially to 'burung biru'. (Note: I memang check status of this friend twice a day. Sebab makin lama I kenal dia, I can understand his mood just from his writing. Hebat tak saya??)

Apa-apapun, I hope this friend can find the best solution for his problems. I hope I can be part of his solution too because my offer to him tiada expiry date.

I missed your big laugh and smiles too ... SERIOUSLY!!

And I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

My health # 7

After 4 months bersenang lenang + busy + faktor cuaca + faktor malas sikit, akhirnya petang tadi baru dapat pi jalan balik. Last adalah on 5th Jan. Lama gila peram lelemaks. But, I managed to do 2 rounds only (2km plus). Itupun stop sebab tetiba datang pulak sakit kat'pungkoq'. 

Ni start jalan balik sebab lately I rasa cepat mengah and perut rasa sebu semacam. Gain weight tu macam salah satu punca juga :'(

Kena revised balik my schedule and diet.

Update to this: 
I ni kalau cuaca hampeh je dah mula malas nak keluar for this activity. Recently, cuaca di tempat I sometimes tidak menentu. Lagilah buat I benci and super duper malas.

Pastu, now berangan nak beli treadmill. Pakai seksi-seksi (read:  not cover proper aurat) pun tak apa sebab in house compound. Rasa macam nak cari yang second hand. Budget tu ada but now yang buat I pening kepala ada di mana nak letak? Sebab.....keadaan rumah yang kekadang buat I muntah darah. 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Misunderstood ?? Confused ??

This conversation dah lama dah. 2 weeks ago if I'm not mistaken.I need to take care of all my family members who down with flu, bad cough and high fever. First day tu okay lagilah sebab I took an emergency leave. Then for second day, I kena ambil juga leave. So I sms my boss. 

Me: Good morning. I need to take another one more day leave today. Need to take care of all my family members. They are still down with bad cough n high fever. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Boss: Pls go to the clinic n get treatment n  MC if not well.

Me: Okay. Thank you

Oh My... actually sapa yang confused di sini? Rasanya I dah bagi tau sapa yang sakit, but my boss suruh I pulak yang pergi clinic. Adakah he is too concerned or he didn't know what he writes to me? Confused kejap.

Salad Atuk

Kalau Fasha Sandha kata Jejai suka makan her dish of Nasi Goreng Atuk (an ordinary nasi goreng but she used Ikan Goreng), I pula ada resepi ala-ala her dish. But mine is Salad Atuk (sebab guna ikan goreng juga).

I tried this once as my lunch meal untuk bawa ke office sebab sayang tengok ikan goreng masak semalam yang tak habis. Pastu tengok dalam fridge, ada bahan for salad. So, cuba-cuba buat and tak sangka sedap. Bagi sesiapa penggemar ikan / ikan goreng, you can try this. So easy....

Bahan-bahannya adalah Timun Jepun, Cherry Tomato and Daun Saderi. Tiga bahan ni potong ikut suka. Nak campur bahan-bahan salad yang lain pun okay like kobis purple, lettuce etc. Ikan goreng tu pula, make sure buang tulang untuk elakkan ada sesiapa yang tercekik terbelehek. Then, letak semua bahan dalam bekas, tuang dressing Thousand Island and gaul sebati. Nak sedap, sejukkan sekejap sebelum makan :-)

A Perfectionist

Guess below pictures adalah berkenaan dengan apa....

Ye, I cukup menyampah bila orang staple kertas not in proper way. In my office, the main suspects are Abewe and Maddu. Kalau Abewe, I okay lagi sebab dia staple fresh paper. Yang si Maddu ni..memang cukup hangin. Dahlah dia buka staple tu, sebab nak make a photocopy and she will staple that document follow her way. Memang tunggang langgang!! Grrrr.... 

I hate this kind of work. Bukan susah pun, ketuk-ketuk (susun) kertas tu elok-elok and staple them accordingly. Ini malas sungguh. 

Being a perfectionist for this kind of petty thing, memang I akan buka balik all the paper and sanggup susun and staple balik. Sebabnya satu je, tak tahan biji mata ni tengok ....

And more thing, hari tu I review balik my posts in this blog. Hajat dia hati nak betulkan one post je, sudahnya, I revamp semua. Buang tanda ni " @ ", pastu I buang word yang tak sepatutnya and itu belum lagi betulkan font size. Haishhh.... Banyak kerja remeh kan?? Tapi itulah...sebab dah terbiasa teliti dalam buat kerja, I just love to do it just to fulfilled my satisfaction.

Purple Walk

Date: 17 March 2013
Venue : Padang SIRIM, Shah Alam

One week before the event, bersungguh - sungguh Si Cantik ajak I join. She got email from her branch office and dia pun seronok nak ajak kawan dia ramai-ramai join this event. The more the merrier gitu..!! At first, we choose Putrajaya and bila I google, rupa-rupanya, it is nationwide event (before that, my Mom pun ada cakap juga bila dia tengok berita kat TV). Jadi, untuk menjimatkan masa, tenaga and kos, we decided to pegi yang kat Shah Alam saja. Dekat untuk kami-kami ni semua.

Sangat menyampah bila event ni dah mula separuh jalan. Rupa-rupanya, tak nampak pun tang mana nak sokong "Wanita" nya. Indirectly, event ni lebih kepada political reason. Masa mula-mula datang, kami dah perasan, 1 van siap logo besar tulis nama politic's party. Then, can you imagine, masa kami beratur nak ambil T-Shirt, boleh kami dengar soalan ini "ni dari DUN mana??" Apakah??

Pastu, dahlah tukang perasmi datang lambat. Nasib baik no speech from him before we start the walk. Dia terus lepaskan semua peserta. AND...AND...AND... adalah nak nangis bila, our route hanyalah around 1km je. Keluar dari Dataran SIRIM, turn left, and we did U-Turn at first juntion, then U-Turn balik kat trafiic light 4 junctions tu... Sakit hati okay...!! 
(Sudah imagine, we will walk for few km)

Bila dah tau macam ni, kami instead of turn back to Dataran, kami terus je jalan pi Plaza Alam Sentral for our breakfast. Tak kuasa nak tunggu lagi. Lagi sedap makan breakfast kat mamak Syed sana. 

Our route's result
Starting point : Dataran Sirim
Ending point : Restoran Syed

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Secara tiba-tiba....

This evening boleh I terminat nak tengok live interview between them. It is almost  6.30pm that time.
Satu jelah yang I suka Al Jazeera ni. Diaorang memang tanya soalan direct to the respondent and tak perlu cover dengan bahasa bunga-bunga.

Pucca # 6

Time senggang-senggang tadi, I asked Putih to tell me what happened when STM call him last time. Dia memang tanya khabar but at the same time he told Putih and friend the latest news about our company.  I pun macam... "Laaaa... STM shouldn't do that. Putih friend for sure dah risau about his own masa depan, sebab he will most effected if this rumours jadi". Pity Putih's friend. 

Face off # 2

Benda ni dah lama terperuk dalam Draft. Ini adalah snapshot sempena siri akhir Face Off. Kalau tak silap, ada repeat kat Syfy Channel. Seperti biasa, the Winner of Face Off Season 1 adalah abang Connor kita. The handsome guy and most adorable and charming and seangkatan dengannya...  I love you lah... Hahahaha... 

Detail you can read from here (main page) and here (Wiki). I hope Syfy will release Season 2 plak.. 

Some snapshots...