
Saturday, 5 October 2013

Kordel's Charity Walk 2013

Past Event.. 

Event Date : 8 Sept 2013
Location : Padang Merbok, KL

As usual, benda ni my Lil Sis yang forwardkan to me. Nampak interesting so cepat-cepat kami register. 7km jalan-jalan. No running / jogging. Kena jalan steady je :-). And one day before the eveny, kami survey jalan nak ke sana (senang je rupanya...) sebab hari event tu, nak kena ada before 7am. 

Ni time before 7 a.m
(around 6.45 a.m kot)
Time dah nak start jalan-jalan

Benda dalam goodies bag :-) Best kan? 
By the way, Kordel's product yang kami dapat tu, I've to check balik 
with Kordel's Malaysia for it's Halal Certification before I consumed.
Sebabnya their capsule's source ada contained "Bovine"

Mana yang dapat for men tu, we passed to Dad

First time nampak benda ni - boleh bagi 'sweat' lebih time workout.
Just sapu je...katanya
Bahagian belakang kotak Sweet & Sweat

Sangat happy with this event. My Lil Sis and I larat event yang "Jalan-Jalan" je (Walkathon/Funthon). Untuk Marathon/Jogathon tu belum lagi nampaknya.. Mau semput after 500m. Need to loose weight more and kuatkan kaki dulu:-(.

Oh ya, they said this event akan ada lagi for next year. Do visit their website, okay?

p/s: I checked their FB page few days after this event. Muka kami ada masuk dalam gambar ramai-ramai tu. Boleh feeling glamour sikitlah :-)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Walk of Hope 2013

Past event... 

Event Date:  29 Sept 2013
Location: Taman Wetland Putrajaya

I found this event forwarded by my Lil Sis from Mak Aji Esah and here, Setelah membuat perancangan rapi bersama Lil Sis and Si Cantik, kami sepakat untuk join. 4 Adults and 1 kid. T-Shirt dia comel. Nice pink colour. 

Pic snapped from 'dada' Si Cantik ;-)

We should take 5km walk instead of 3km. Jalan kejap sangat. Tak sampai 1 hour. Pagi tu before start walkathon, they provided us with very nice nasi lemak with ayam goreng berempah. The nasi and ayam were nice but my pack tiada sambal :-(. But it was okay to me sebab afraid sakit perut plak time berjalan.

After the event. kami singgah makan 'breakfast' kat Cyberjaya. Eloklah tu, time jalan dah more than 300 calories burnt earlier pastu add back same amount..Haishhh!!

The event is okaylah and very fun if you bring along your kids. Tak ramai participant pun and not sure why. The more the merrier, right.? Tapi takpe, hopefully the organiser mencapai matlamat.