
Thursday, 30 January 2014

Red Velvet Cake

I bukan seorang peminat kek sebab I tak berapa sangat benda yang manis-manis ni. But when people is crazy talking about SR Red Velvet, for sure I pun nak cuba.. :-)

Dulu, orang sibuk cakap kelazatan red velvet cake from Whisk Espresso Bar & Bake Shop kat Empire Shopping Gallery Subang, I pun cuba jugak. Pergi dengan Si Cantik. She loves it to the max (siap perkenalkan new term "Orgasma Berganda" lagi) but for me, the taste was so and so je.  

Kiranya this SR's velvet cake, my tekak boleh masuk :-)

Note: I ada makan juga kat Tony Roma's... which actually became my 1st red velvet cake yang I suka. Super yummilicious - Triple Orgasm!! But, last time pergi (somewhere in Dec 2013), dessert ni dah takde dalam menu :-( Baru nat suruh my family rasa. Not sure now ada lagi ke tidak... 

2014 Wish Lists

Orang lain semua dah nak plan wish list for next year 2015, but here I am. Baru terhegeh-hegeh nak list down my wish lists for 2014. But, I believed, better late late than never, gitu!!. By the way, some of my 2014 wish lists masih carry forward azam tahun lepas (2013). 
1.    To be a good person to my religion - in process
2.    To be a good daughter to my parents - in process
3.    To be a good friend to my friends who need me 
4.    To be a good employee to my employer - in process 
5.    To be in love and to love by someone - kadang-kadang mendung, kadang-kadang hujan, kadang-kadang panas terik and kadang-kadang nyaman.
6.    To guide my friend to be a good person to his/her religion - in process
7.    To buy new gadgets bila tangan gatal (new handphone...GPS) - Done! 
8.    Nak KURUS secara sihat.
No (1) to No (6) - in summary, I want to be a good Muslimah. If I can be a good Muslimah, I can do and achieve many things in my life. Yang penting, sentiasa berusaha untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih baik.

No (8), my Lil Sis cakap, I need to realise this wish before my birthday. As a start, I need to review balik my daily food intake and exercise more. Gym bike ada je kat rumah tapi my "M" besar sangat. I plan to do the following:
1. Drink a lot - a lot - a lot of plain water (Kalau benda manis pun, once a day with less sugar)
2. Start to drink Green Tea - so far apa yang I baca, it is better to take Japansese Green Tea instead of Chinese Green Tea (Oh ya, have u drink Green Tea from Sushi Tei? Rasa dia amatlah marvellous, yo!. Walaupun pekat but the taste tidaklah payau and scary. Maybe boleh ajak Lil Sis makan secara wasatiyah disitu, sambil minum bergelas-gelas the Green Tree. Heheheheh) 
3. Less / No rice and eat more vegetables 
4. Start kayuh basikal (basikal betul or Gym Bike)

For the time being, I will take this boy's story (Omar) as a guideline. Berdiet dengan cara berjimat. A lot of kilos need to cut down. Yes, sangat banyak... Sigh!! 

Cakap pasal diri sendiri, banyak sangat my other weaknesses yang I kena improve. As I getting older, I need to take care more about myself. Dalaman, luaran, zahiriah and batiniah. Kena selalu menjaga perasaan diri sendiri. Abewe is a good mentor untuk ini sebab dia banyak mengamalkan sikap 'selamba' and tidak kisah pasal orang lain. Talk when necessary and cuba menjadi hati kering sebaik mungkin. By the way, I hanya boleh nampak his real emotion when we talked about works. Itupun, baik dia or I masih cakap dalam intonasi yang tidak terlalu beremosi. Masing-masing slowly how to be professional in our own way.

Cuma yang I nampak, for the past one year, I belajar untuk tidak mengambil kisah hal orang lain, especially my colleagues. Sometimes, I heard about their bad news and I macam menggelupur nak lend my shoulder to cry on (konon) and nak tolong sebaik mungkin, but, the other side of me say NO. U know what, bila I buat hati kering macam ni, my life become easier and less headache to me. I can see the colourful of happiness and so on. U kena try this once. Cuba jangan fikir or ambil berat other people's problem. Automatically, you rasa your life burden is getting lighter and lighter.

I plan to travel to few places this year. The earliest will be in March 2014. Harap-harap Allah permudahkan segalanya.