
Monday, 23 March 2015

Almost 1/2 year already....

Oh my...sudah almost 6 months I tak menjengah langsung this blog.. Asyik baca blog orang lain and blog sendiri terabai :-(

By the way, for the past 6 months ni, I did something good (really) untuk mengisi masa lapang.. My Mom dulu selalu ajak I teman dia untuk pergi kelas mengaji di masjid. She actually really proud of my achievement in mengaji, by taking me with her, selain ada teman, I rasa dia macam boleh bangga depan orang that her daughter can really baca Quran in good Tajwid :-)

But, niat my Mom tidak kesampaian..I don't know why I berat hati nak follow dia. Setakat hantar or ambil from the class, I sanggup je walaupun sampai 11pm or sometimes I pernah stay tunggu my Mom for few hours. Tak tahu kenapa boleh jadi macam ni. Pintu hati tak terbuka lagi or something else?

So, my Mom setelah sekian lama..beri kata dua...if I dont want to follow her to Kelas Mengaji, I need to find other class as a replacement... Both my parents will support from A to Z... Nak tak nak...I pun buat keputusan....and my class already started since last Sept.

Will talk about this later.