
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

30 Day Challenge. Here We Go

Draft entry for this : 30 Nov 2016

Found this from twitter.

A good start...but I will start to write tomorrow, sebab esok 1st day of the month....

Update status (today) : 5 April 2017

I tak tulis apa-apa...dok baca je orang punya update dalam twitter.
Actually, I found this from MM's son twitter. He answered for all..From there I taulah a bit of his personal life. 

The main reason why I start follow his account sebab I want to know about MM too. It is been a while since kami tak bertegur sapa. Lantak lah dia... tapi jauh di sudut hati, I still remembered him as one of my good friend. Moga Allah sentiasa melindungi MM dengan sifat rahmahNYA.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Kari mamak heaven

Entry ni dah lama..since bulan May lagi...4 months ago...
Tu pic my lunch..I tapau kari semalam yang Mak masak masa lunch and frozen daging dendeng yang Lil Sis beli... 

Actually, it is related dengan post yang dulu-dulu pasal leftover food... 
When it comes to Kari... yes..the leftover kari lah yang paling sedap..masak today...perangat-perangat (heat up few times) and makan esok dan esoknya memang mengancam..Kiranya macam makan tu sambil boleh-boleh pejam mata... Hahahah.... 

Mak cakap, kalau kat kedai mamak tu, memang benda yang sama lah diaorang akan buat. Kari hari ni, kalau tak habis, they will mix with new kuah kari yang masak untuk hari seterusnya..and it will add up with next-next day kuah yang baru...Wallahua'lam..

By the way, I memang hanya makan kari yang kat rumah (Mak masak) or kari kedai Mamak. Tempat lain or orang lain yang masak, I won't eat it sebab the taste not to my liking... Mak cakap, I was Hantu Kari dari kecil... Masa I kecik/ toddler kot... (masa I was the youngest in the family), semua orang terpaksa rela makan kari sebab I would not take my meal selain Mak cakap, setiap hari she has to cook Kari..kalau tak I tak nak makan...tapi dah tua-tua ni, kalay Mak buat macam tu jugak, memanglah I menangis..dah tak nak dah makan tetiap hari kari tu... 

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Ramadhan 2016

This year, Alhamdulillah, until end of Ramadhan (Day 30), I dapat puasa penuh. No cuti-cuti Malaysia lagi setakat ini. I told my Mum, nak merasai nikmat Ramadhan itu, memang kita sendiri sebagai hambaNya kena cari sendiri. Benda tu ada saja, it is up to us whether we want to grab it or not.

Macam tahun ni, first week of Ramadhan, kemalasan tu masih ada, puasa masih puasa, tapi amalan lain tu, agak-agak je nak buat. Tarawih pun buat sekali ke dua je and I don't read my Quran at all :-(. Memang teruk betul.

Masuk minggu kedua, keinsafan tu datang sedikit demi sedikit. I started my tarawih prayer without fail (walaupun buat 8 je and kadang-kadang buat 4 je) and also I mula baca Al Quran and now dah masuk surah Al-Hajr. And this continue until mingu akhir Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah.

Apa yang dapat I summary kat sini, bila kita beribadah dengan sempurna (and ikhlas) Allah memang akan permudahkan semuanya. I also had my final exam on 3rd week of Ramadhan and Alhamdulillah, I feel the calm during the exam. Masa mula Ramadhan hari tu pun, I memang doa banyak-banyak semoga Allah mempermudahkan semuanya termasuk dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik hinggalah ke akhir Ramadhan agar semua orang dapat menunaikan ibadah dalam bulan mulia ini  dengan baik dan sempurna hingga ke akhirnya. 

Today is the last day of Ramadhan... I hope ini bukan Ramadhan yang terakhir untuk kita semua... 

Semoga aku akan sentiasa beristiqamah untuk mencari keredhaan Allah s.w.t hingga ke akhir nafasku di muka bumi ini..

And..........Welcome Syawal!!!

Safe drive, Ingatlah orang yang tersayang
Take care.... 

Friday, 1 July 2016

When you know your friend needs you.

Earlier last week, I tetiba teringin nak google (find) AH. Tetiba macam rindu pulak kat dia, rasa macam lama dah tak tanya khabar. He sent me wish for Ramadhan but I didn't reply. Sebab kadang-kadang tak tahu pun nak reply apa.. And kadang-kadang rasa macam berangin pun ada atas sebab-sebab terdahulu. 

Well, lama dah I jumpa one website about his activity and they got FB page too. Dapat lah juga tahu pasal his activities so far, how he currently looks like...sihat ke tidak dan sebagainya...Iyalah kan, we rarely talk / whatsapp / call but yes, we are still good friend. 

And that week, masa I tengok his picture, I just feel that he is different. Nampak macam ada masalah je. His face not so ceria at all. Then I tengok pulak his Whatsapp status.. hmmm...already change his profile picture to exhausted cat and same goes to the status. Ini tak boleh jadi...I just feel that something is not right about him. I texted him and his answer confirmed everything. Memang dia tak okay but he is not ready to tell me..pfffttt...

So, dan dan tu I book the flight to Penang and kena ambil day trip lah sebab kang mati pulak nak menjawab kat my parents. The next day, I informed AH and dia pun macam terkejut juga. Dia banyak tanya juga lah and he thought I got business trip ke sana..When I told him that I am going there just for him, dia pun macam a bit speechless jugak lah. But, later dia agreed to fetch me from the airport and accompany me during my visit over there.

Sebab bulan puasa, we just buat road tour je. Habis satu pulau kami jelajah. Banyak juga tempat yang best yang baru I tahu. Jadi jakun jugaklah sebab ni first time ni...Thanks to AH sebab his good knowledge in geography make the trip is superb but more superb kalau boleh makan. For sure I can have the best nasi kandar in town. 

Kat area Pulau Betong - next to Kem Belia Negara, Balik Pulau
Kat area Pulau Betong - next to Kem Belia Negara, Balik Pulau

Kat pantai area Gertak Sanggol

I never know Penang has such a wonderful place to visit.. Bahahaha...drama sangat, Almaklumlah, lama giler kot tak pergi. Last pergi pun year 2007 but I stayed kat Seberang Jaya. No chance pun pergi area pulau.

Well, I hope his stress or whatever problem he has that time can release a bit. Walaupun dia cakap I datang hari tu, tak settlekan problem dia sangat pun sebab it is more to entertain me as his one and only guest, but tak pelah. Jauh di sudut hati dia I tahu, he also see happy to see me too. 

If you are a good friend to sesiapa pun, you can know when he or she needs you. You will know when is the right time for you to be with him / her. 

May Allah protect our friendship until the end of time.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

How not to fall in love with him :-)

Korang kenal this guy?

Sapa-sapa peminat S501 mesti kenal kan. Kim Hyun Joong (KHJ). The team leader of that K-Pop group. Just google about him and his group, nanti you all can know him better.

By  the way, kat channel M Unifi last time ada tunjuk balik cerita dia "Playful Kiss" tu. Mak aihh... I tengok first 2 series je kat situ, and gigih google yang online punya sebab nak tengok balik dari mula sampai habis. Addicted to maximum. Nasib baiklah time tengah tengok tu, cuti semester. Mana tahan tidur pukul 3-4 pagi tetiap hari sebab nak habiskan cepat cerita tu. 

Memang jatuh cinta habis. Tak kisah lah rupa dia masa cerita Playfull Kiss or cerita lagi satu Boys Over Flower tu  macam ala-ala perempuan, tapi his eyes, his smile aduhaiii... bisa mencairkan hati ini. Memang tak tido malam betul. Itu rupa dia 10 years ago lah time cerita tu, cuma google muka dia sekarang, baru betul nampak sado and macho. Cuba tengok MV dia yang ni... 

Unbreakable ni macam the latest of himlah but tu lagu solo dia.. 
Yang Love Ya tu lah 1st video of S501 yang buat I first time jatuh cinta dengan Kpop

Tak delah fanatik minat dia. Cuma since I like his fan Instagram, ada few account pulak tu.., fans dia ni rajin upload semua pic and his video pasal dia. So, pagi-pagi kalau I bukak IG, penuhlah pic and video KHJ ni. Jadilah sebagai pembuka senyuman dan pembakar semangat nak datang kerja hari tu (Hemmm..tapi tak jadi sangat pun...hahahah)

I think, sebab dia ni jugak kot, I macam suka mati kat KN sebab muka KN is Chinese / Korean / Japanese look. Wahahaha... kemain!!

Leftover food

I memang pemakan leftover food tapi yang kat rumah saja. Sebabnya sayang betul nak membazir makanan, lagilah barang makanan semua mahal sekarang ni. Like ayam, my Dad beli yang organik punya which cost almost RM20 for a whole bird. Pastu, teringat orang susah yang tak dapat makan, or just ate once a day itupun sometimes not a proper meal pun. 

Cerita ni pasal sikap orang yang suka pass leftover food to orang lain sebab tak habis makan, tak sempat makan or that food yang dia simpan tu sebenarnya untuk orang lain. 

Ada dulu, one senior staff kat sini yang I panggil Mak Tiri (NW) to HO sebab HO close gila dengan dia. Semua benda HO will tell her. Everything including gossip. So, NW ni memang ada good relationship with HO sampai belikan extra breakfast for HO. And one fine day, NW maybe plan to buy nasi lemak to all staff kat her office wing and buy 1 extra for HO. Nak dijadikan cerita, HO was on EL that day. So, masa I dok sembang-sembang dengan security guy dekat lobby, she came to me with something and sorok-sorok bagi. I pun peliklah..apa benda tu pulak kan..Then she said "You ambillah..I beli banyak ramai pulak takde". But pelik kenapa nak bagi sorok-sorok depan that security guy? Is it that guy tak dapat ke apa? 

Masa I balik to my office desk, the nasi lemak is wrapped with another recycle paper. Meaning cara NS tadi tak nak orang tahu lah yang it is a pack of nasi lemak. WTH !! Pastu, I terus teringat, few times jugak HO selalu bawak something similar to that packaging when she came back from that wing. Hmmm... kiranya memang NW lah yang bagi and that thing must hide from me. And another incident, bila one more senior staff (ZS), masa dia dapat nasi lemak jugak from NW, ZS asked me.."You dapat tak nasi lemak NW bagi? Dia kata dia beli from XXX ..ala nasi lemak yang sedap banyak bawang tu" Bila I cakap I tak dapat, TS dah jadi serba salah. Siap jawab "Ooo..padanlah dia kata jangan heboh-heboh kat orang". 

Mak aiihh... I tak kisah sebenarnya pasal I tak dapat bila NW bawak apa-apa and tak bagi kat I. Tapi rasa macam pantang sungguh bila dia hanya bagi sebab orang yang sepatutnya dapat takde. For me it is just like a non-love leftover food and I just throw it away.

Recent case, BS pulak. She is my colleague. I know she loves to bake and memang her cake is not so bad, still can makan. During the weekend hari tu, she baked a cupcake and brought to office on Monday. Pastu, the next day (Tuesday), masa kami sibuk-sibuk nak packing balik, dia baru teringat cupcake tu. So, she offered to me suruh I makan bawak balik. I pulak not immediately makan pun sebab masih kenyang makan lunch. Tapi time ambil tu, sebab tak nak tolak rezeki. Sudahnya, benda ni pun sama pengakhirannya... jadi a non-love leftover food and I just throw it away. 

Memang rasa bersalah sebab buang makanan, but for me, kenapa nak bagi benda yang kita tak nak or tak habis pada orang? I rather throw the thing myself dari bagi kat orang. 

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Pucca # 26

Sedih betul..sometimes, apa yang kita harap will not easily being granted.  Jadi, I am not saying it a false hope, tapi baiklah kalau kita not thinking about it for the time being.

Banyak benda lain yang lebih important kan, so better we focus dekat benda-benda macam tu.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Uncertain Decision

Wrote on 11/4/2016 (tapi dok terperap dalam Draft folder)

Setelah fikir masak-masak, I think macam tiada faedahnya I mengharapkan sesuatu from KN. I pun kekadang tak faham sangat respond dia. Sometimes okay, sometimes he just gave me his cold shoulder. Sangat menyampah betul. Ntahlah, maybe kan dia memang tak de hati langsung kot kat I... Iyelah..tetiba approach dia kan ... Or dia ada someone else? Kalau dia tak bagi tahu pasal dia dah ada orang lain, macam manalah I nak tahu kan..Or maybe dia takut nak bagi new commitment, after what he had go through with his ex-wife earlier? Ntahlah... 

So, sebab I pun tak nak pening-pening kepala..tak nak buang saat untuk scroll his Whatsapp status, baca his last messages.. so, better delete terus nombor dia. Habis cerita. Whatsapp history pun dah I delete. No conversation left. Tapi, I print screen dulu siap-siap the contact number of him which I save his number, his second number and also his home address before I delete. Takut terlupa sebab memang tak record kat mana-mana...

Haiya...still pathetic of me kan... 

Status today (5/5/16)
Almost a month... 

End of last month, I got a wedding invitation from my current course mate (AS), nun jauh di Melaka. Tetiba I terfikir jugak macam nak ajak KN.. Uishh...beraninya pulak kan..Keluar sekali pun tak pernah. Pastu benda ni I lupa sebab sibuk siapkan my assignment. I asked AI earlier (last 2 weeks kot) yang dia pergi ke tidak to AS wedding and he said yes because he already plan with his family sebab nak buat some family activity jugak  while they reach Melaka later. So, I pun dah macam 20:80 nak pergi tu. 80% tu banyak untuk tak nak pergi. 

Then since semalam, I tefikir the idea again to ajak KN to temankan I pergi. Ntah, tetiba je pulak. Or maybe sebab I just watched drama scene of Duda Terlajak Laris dimana Zack beria-ia nak go outing with Anis and Inas (his janda). He just tried his luck based on his friend's recommendation. Tapi macam tak kot I terfikir my idea tu sebab drama ni...pfffttt...

So, today I beranikan diri ajak pun after he respond to my "Hai" whatsapp last night which he only respond this morning. He said okay but he can't promise anything now. Lagipun, weekend memang giliran dia pulak bersama his kids.


I takut if he rejects je sebenarnya.... hopefully not lah...:-(

Ya Allah... please grant this wish for me...Ameenn!!!

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

New Semester 4/5


It’s been a while kan I tak menulis kat sini… Oh ya.. lupa nak bagi tahu..just started my class for this semester. Minggu ni dah masuk 4th week. So happy to see only muka-muka yang I nak tengok je for this semester. The rest, especially those girls, only took Sunday class but so far I hanya terserempak 2 orang je. Luckily yang ni, jenis okay. Kiranya, diaorang okay je borak dengan I masa jumpa kat surau during class break.

By the way, one of the clan, ada kena repeat paper and she stayed same class dengan I because lecturer yang sama. Ada one more lecturer yang ajar subject sama, but maybe sebab ramai yang dia kenal dalam my class (1/3 adalah my batch who is repeaters macam dia), so I rasa that’s the main reason she stay. Tapi, I am a bit relief juga sebab dia pun rarely datang kelas… hahahahaha…

So, this semester, AI masih my teman berpisah jua tiada.. 1 paper je pun yang ada group project. The rest is individual so, tak adalah dependent sangat kat dia.. miaahaha.. Hmmm, I think I will miss my friendship with him. This semester je tinggal bersama. Next semester, both of us will choose different type of research project di mana I still attend class and he’s not.

This semester, my time so far is still manageable. Dah berazam dah ni nak score semua A for all 3 subject. A tu, tak kisahlah A+ ke, A ke or A-. It is still A pun. Kalau orang tanya result I, I selalu cakap dapat A walaupun ada mixed grade of A dalam tu.. and the respond I dapat adalah.. “Wah…hebatnya…dapat anugerah lah semester ni” which is not pun. For me, as long I dapat 3.5 and above (for both GPA and CGPA), I dah cukup syukur sangat-sangat dah. Sebabnya, I never achieved that grade masa undergrad dulu. Sekali je kot dapat pointer 3++ pastu, caca marba.. pastu,, bila ada semester you dapat D, then gone lah your CGPA.  I rasa I ada 2 subject kot dapat D masa undergrad dulu.

Well, that’s the beauty of learning. Untuk I lah…Maybe penat kot jadi scorer masa sekolah dulu. So, bila sambung belajar lepas tu, my expectation dah moderate sikit. I nak make sure my study berjalan seiring dengan my happiness. Stress, pressure tu is a must but, don’t make it too much. Lagipun, ni ilmu dunia je. Ilmu akhirat tu lagi penting.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Pucca # 25

Last night, boleh mimpi pula MM. I think I missed him. But, did he miss me? 

Mimpi biasa je.. he asked (ke forced) me to sit beside him masa makan. Baik pula dia time tu. He smile and acted nicely compared to last time muka dia masam mencuka. Masa makan tu, I can hear clearly dia baca Bismilah.. Hahahaha... Tapi orang cakap, mimpi kalau ada suara / orang bercakap tu syaitan.

By the way, I think I boleh mimpi dia sebab lately ni I terfikir pasal dia balik. Ni semua sebab this week, keluar news pasal one of the O&G company will let go their 1,000 employees. I am pretty scared juga if he was affected sebab dia pun consider baru mula 'bernafas' kembali after being unemployed for almost a year after he left Company B. Tapi, kalau dah sit on senior / top position, the chance to be in the list memang ada. I just can pray that dia okay and will stay in that company, not affected at all with that news. Amin!!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Pucca # 24

I think, kita kalau ada perasaan tidak baik terhadap orang terdekat for e.g. ahli keluarga sendiri, kita mungkin akan ditimpa something yang tak baik. Maksudnya, kita tahu orang tu tak delah salah besar sangat pun, tapi kita je yang selalu lebih-lebih, nanti pi mai pi mai kita yang jatuh sakit pulak / kena bencana ringan.

I'm saying this because my Lil Sis. Selalu sangat dia buat I ni macam kawan-kawan dia. Sometime, memang dia tak respect I pun. Boleh kadang-kadang just sebab small matters je pun, she will not say a word to me. Bukan 1-2 hari ye, malah makan minggu. Can you imagine kami duduk serumah. Last time, sampai 3 weeks. And recent case, masuk hari ini dah almost 2 weeks. Hanya sebab I tak tolong dia lipat kain. Pffffttttt... Padahal I did a lot of house cores earlier. Siap keluar pi sana sini lagi. 

And she's now sick. Macam demam kot. Ntahlah, I malas nak tanya. 

But, ini semua I ambil sebagai pengajaran juga. Sebab I remember and kena banyak kali juga, when I talk too much about my colleagues,  especially benda yang memanglah tak patut dia orang buat, tapi if I talk about it repeatedly, I akan tetiba jadi malas sembahyang meaning I akan solat lambat / akhir waktu. I felt that too much syaitan kot dah masuk dalam badan. So, bila dah okay balik, memang istighfar banyak-banyak. 

Moga Allah ampuni kekhilafan I ini. 

HO is no longer here

It is official now. HO is no longer stayed in this office. Her department semua kena move to KL office. What a relief sebab at least BS and I kurang sikit dosa mengumpat dia.

Speaking of HO, if your guys noticed, I ada blogging pasal dia. Dulu I panggil the Diva (ke Ms.Diva, tak ingat). HO ni  memang a very mean person. Sangat-sangat. Kiranya jahat sepesen. Always potrayed her image as mangsa keadaan dalam apa jua situasi sekalipun walaupun benda tu dia yang salah. Dia je betul and orang lain salah. Ntahlah, tak faham betul perangai dia ni. Dulu kini dan selamanya. And until now, she is still a never failed attention seeker. Yang ni memang tak boleh tinggal langsung. 

Sebut pasal attention seeker ni, last week ada farewell untuk CEO from Company BA, one of our subsidiary company. Buat kat my office sebab the CEO is kawan baik jugaklah with my Big Boss. And this is first time juga I dengar verbal speech from the CEO. Selalu just baca his written speech je. Oh my, he is soooooo humble and honest. His farewell speech sangat honest and no bunga-bunga. More to akhirati and not duniawi. I sendiri pun terkesan dengan apa yang dia cakap. I hope the rest take note his message too. Sangat deep.

And, time makan juga adalah first time I makan sekali dengan lady's colleague semeja depan-depan HO. Diaorang tu semua adalah geng-geng office yang 'dirampas' oleh HO last time dengan cara memburukkan orang lain. be honest, I missed the moment eating and chatting with them. Tapi itulah, sebab HO, semua jadi tawar dan I pun tak nak luka lama berdarah kembali. Oh ya, sambung cerita. During the makan time, time tu jugaklah HO sibuk nak tunjuk pics anak-anak dia, bukan pada orang sebelah, tapi pada semua orang kalau boleh. I knew, she purposely buat macam tu sebab I ada sekali depan dia. See, she can't live with her title of attention seeker. Padahal nobody care about it pun, sebab ada yang buat-buat tak tahu pun. Muahahahah...

Anyway, it is a good thing HO tak ada kat sini. Sebab yang utama adalah, kurang sikit dosa kering I buat. Sebab I tak bercakap pasal dia dah. Mana taknya, asal I nampak depan mata dia or dia tau I nampak dia, adalah annoying action yang dia akan buat. Sometimes, I memang tahan je, tapi sebab muka dia tu yang asyik dok meminta untuk kita berkata pasal dia.. Kalau tak nampak dia, okay je. Memang tak de benda pun nak cakap. Hmmpphhh...

Harap-harap my "tak-suka-orang" list akan berkurangan and it will to up back my pahala. Bukan senang nak melupakan dan memaafkan orang ni, Memang susah! 

And untuk HO, I hope she can change her attitude. She really need to change it. In terms of her social skills and also how she perform and handle her work. Kalau dia masih juga bawak perangai dia masa di Company B, I don't think she can survive for longer time in Company D.

Monday, 15 February 2016

My consignment

Oh Em Gee!!!

Macam mana ni? The parcel for KN that I sent for courier on last Friday belum sampai lagi. Normally, sebab dekat je pun and kalau tiada aral patutnya sampai dah paling awal Sabtu lepas or today. Until now, tak nampak pun lagi status Delivered kat Gdex e-tracking website

Dahlah courier cost a bit pricey (RM12). Pfffftttt!!!

But, nak cakap my fault sebab tak letak nama sender betul-betul and letak sender contact no.palsu pun macam tak logic sebab I letak correct information for the recipient. Kalau orang courier tak jumpa address tu, they can call KN's number kat situ je.

Oh my.... nak surprise dah jadi surprise to me :-(

By end of today, I kena check balik status shipment tu..... Harap-harap tiada apa-apa masalah.

Friday, 12 February 2016

The time is finally come.

Company D has been took over my current company (B). Now, we are no longer under Company C which is the majority shareholder in Company B earlier. All the announcement of changing and replacement of directors has been done. 

Sedih? Tak langsung sebab I took it positively. It is good to have new people coming in because Company B really need new thinker and breed. No longer old fashioned - so - called - government - style of person to manage the company and its subsidiaries. Most of director dulu banyak background from Government and their style never changed. Susah nak buang persepsi tak suka Government ni. Hmmph... 

Sometimes, I feel embarrassed with our directors performance. All the while, boleh dikatakan most of them is selfish including the Chairman and I don't think mereka ni semua fikir nasib periuk nasi staff yang ada beribu orang ni. There was a subject that related to Corporate Organization that I learn in past semester and lagi lama I baca and tahu pasal Corporate world especially yang involved in PLC, lagi malu I nak mengaku yang I ni from Company B. 

Semuanya bermula dengan one big incident that really damaged our Company's image. The company brought up the case to court and masih on going. They have somebody to blame, but the directors semuanya lepas just because they have insurance to cover their liability. Mak aihhh!!!! Kalau macam ni, forever lah mereka ni semua tak bersalah. I don't say that the person yang create the incident tu betul, dia memanglah bersalah juga but, he informed his superior (directors) about his business planning, Tak kisahlah benda tu macam tak betul ke, but, the directors mesti lah ada doubt feeling to ask him later in the next board meeting.

Back to Company B, sekarang I nak kerja pun macam malas sebab untuk staff sendiri, masa depan adalah sangat uncertainty. Tak tahu kami kena pergi mana selepas ini. Memang banyak vacancy advertised by Company D but too bad kami kena apply sendiri as an outside candidate. HR pun di sini tidak memainkan peranan. Walaupun, I rasa no staff retrenchment apa tah lagi VSS to be offered, but HR should more concern about our future kat sini.

I apply jugalah any suitable post kat Company D tu, tapi dah 3 minggu status tak berubah pun. Masih unprocessed. The dateline is today and tak tahulah macam mana sekarang. Hanya kena tunggu dan lihat. And sangat frustrated bila my own boss sendiri pun sibuk apply juga walaupun he already reached his retirement age. Maybe tak cukup-cukup duit lagi kot. 

Speaking about my boss, he did not plan anything for his staff yang 3 ketol ni. He never take any action to ask directly our subsidiaries to absorb kami ni. Dari dulu sampai sekarang memang he never care about his staff benefits. NEVER!!! Sebab tulah, kalau dia kata nak lunch / dinner / buka puasa dengan kami, memanglah 1,001 alasan kami bagi untuk avoid him. Memang bermuka sangat. Banyak bukti jugaklah pasal 'kejahatan' dia ni sejak I rapat dengan his PA. Kalau nak cerita pun, jadi lagi sakit hati je. But, kalau ada post yang related, I will tell.

I lagi jadi makin sedih bila ada Head from other department yang sanggup jumpa subsidiaries for staff absorption from his department. He did that just to ensure tiada siapa yang left out from his department lah. Nak terus tau masa depan. Kenapalah my boss tak macam orang lain?  :-(

Apa-apa pun, memang kena doa banyak-banyak sekarang semoga Allah permudahkan semua usaha kami. Kali ni Allah duga kebanyakan kami di sini. 

A drastic decision.

I just come back from mail office to send this to KN

Source: IG glassofhope

Since last week, I saw this in IG. Macam best je. Memang dulu masa @arlinabanana promoted in her IG, I planned nak beli satu. Cute sangat. Then, bila I saw this again kat IG, tetiba I rasa macam nak bagi kat KN. Fikir macam it can be a good start to reconcile with him. I tau dia macam tak berapa nak layan and kadang-kadang layan which sangat frustrated, tapi tak pelah, semua ni kena bermula dengan usaha. Ada usaha, pasti akan membuahkan hasil. But, I ni jenis yang cepat jadi malas, always let times buy the decision. 

So, I called the outlet directly (SBU Shah Alam) and asked for this item. Nasib baik ada lagi. So boleh beli direct. Before that, ada DM kat IG tapi tak reply and nombor yang diaorang letak, that person is no longer with the IG owner. Ntahlah..macam mana pulak tu. It is not a good marketing ethics!! 

Oh ya, I beli yang blue colour. A Message A Day- Keeps the Sadness Away. Yang pink tu Break Up Edition. Macam pelik lah pulak I nak bagi yang pink tu kat KN sebab bila masa pula kami break up. Dapat je benda tu kat tangan, terus baca satu. Hemm.. not bad. Boleh lah jadi kata-kata perangsang to KN. Hahahaha...

And semalam, packing siap-siap dalam kotak (since it is in a glass bottle), letak surat without name but only an initial which KN will face a hard time to recognise the sender easily. But, I letak petunjuk jugak kat situ. My car number and also my whatsapp and email icon. Kalau dia pandai, terror lah dia tau dari siapa.

Kat bawah ni, surat yang I bagi kat dia....

Hi, KN!

I have decided to give this item as your belated birthday gift. 
I am a person who always keeps my words and will feel extremely guilty if I can't make it without any valid reason.
This gift is given to replace a "what-so-ever" birthday treats that I promised earlier, which I know it will never happen for the time being.

A "Glass of Hope". 
It sounds very interesting! (You can Google more about it too)
It is beautiful too, right?
Hope it can release a bit your burden when you read the paper inside. 

Last but not least, hope this can be a good start. 
Because I believed in helping a person will not necessarily change the world, but it can change the world for that person.
A progress means happiness J

Happy friendship day! 

Macam comel je kan. Kat courier's CN pun, I tak letak nama. Let give him a surprise.
Then, tengoklah after this I nak bagi kejutan apa pulak. Yang ni pun drastic decision je. Anyway, risau juga how his reaction to this. To be honest, it is hard to accept if the respond is negative :-(

Thursday, 11 February 2016

New semester

Debar-debar ni nak tunggu result 3rd semester. Another 1 week to go. First time I took 4 subjects in one semester. Baru lah rasa macam mana orang lain (my batch) yang sampai sekarang, memang ambil 4 subjects for every semester. To be honest, not to bad lah ambil 4 subjects pun. Cuma hectic sikit lah and kena rajin lebih dari biasa. Tapi kalau well planned okay je. But....but...but... yang confirmed memang untuk 2nd semester hari tu, it is impossible to take more than 2 subjects sebab problem with the other 3 team member especially untuk subject Law. Memang risiko besar giler kalau I dan juga AI ambil more than 2 subjects.

For next semester, which will be start early March 2016 (kot), I planned untuk ambil same subjects dengan A.I. Senang nak pantau dia.. Hahahah... Bukan apa, dia lately ni mudah lupa and too much pressure especially from work and family sekali kot (I think from the spouse). Memang kena kot ambil sama. He really needs support to make sure he can go through the program until end semester. Ntahlah, hati I memang lembut betul dengan dia walaupun I selalu je nak ketuk kepala dia tu sebab dalam pandai-pandai dia tu, ada jelah benda jugak yang tak berapa pandai. My Mom tahu I kawan baik dengan dia, and she knows a lot about him. I think semua orang lah dalam rumah tu tahu. I ni kan my Mom kata si pe'report' kejadian. Semua benda nak cerita kat umah. If I didn't tell / update anything kat rumah after balik dari mana-mana, my Mom akan cakap I tak sihat / bad mood pada hari kejadian. Hahahaha...

Semester depan, yang confirmed 2 subjects or 3 will be same as AI. 3 kalau we take another elective paper as an additional paper before we do applied research untuk final semester nanti. Pun kena sama dengan dia. And if dia nak ambil 2 je sebab nak buat thesis untuk final semester, I still kena ambil 3 jugak sebab additional paper tu pulak untuk I sebab I still ada 1 pending paper, core subject yang belum ambil sampai sekarang. Orang semua dah sibuk ambil awal- awal, I je yang masih relax lagi. If you all tak faham apa yang I cerita ni pun tak pe. Hahaha

By the way, I miss to come back to study. Best sebab dapat getting close balik dengan A.I.(antaranya). You suka tak kalau datang kelas tengok muka class mate yang sejuk mata memandang and dikelilingi dengan kawan-kawan yang baik and very helpful? A.I. memang such a good friend and I will do anything for him for the sake of our friendship. My Mom pun pesan supaya I lebih kurang je dengan dia ni. Fikir kebaikan dia and yes, I did that since we are in the same group since 1st semester lagi. Oh ya, he's married  by the way. 

And lagi satu sebab I tak sabar nak pergi kelas untuk new semester ni sebab that's the only place I can forget about my works or any problem in the office. Miracle kan?