Company D has been took over my current company (B). Now, we are no longer under Company C which is the majority shareholder in Company B earlier. All the announcement of changing and replacement of directors has been done.
Sedih? Tak langsung sebab I took it positively. It is good to have new people coming in because Company B really need new thinker and breed. No longer old fashioned - so - called - government - style of person to manage the company and its subsidiaries. Most of director dulu banyak background from Government and their style never changed. Susah nak buang persepsi tak suka Government ni. Hmmph...
Sometimes, I feel embarrassed with our directors performance. All the while, boleh dikatakan most of them is selfish including the Chairman and I don't think mereka ni semua fikir nasib periuk nasi staff yang ada beribu orang ni. There was a subject that related to Corporate Organization that I learn in past semester and lagi lama I baca and tahu pasal Corporate world especially yang involved in PLC, lagi malu I nak mengaku yang I ni from Company B.
Semuanya bermula dengan one big incident that really damaged our Company's image. The company brought up the case to court and masih on going. They have somebody to blame, but the directors semuanya lepas just because they have insurance to cover their liability. Mak aihhh!!!! Kalau macam ni, forever lah mereka ni semua tak bersalah. I don't say that the person yang create the incident tu betul, dia memanglah bersalah juga but, he informed his superior (directors) about his business planning, Tak kisahlah benda tu macam tak betul ke, but, the directors mesti lah ada doubt feeling to ask him later in the next board meeting.
Back to Company B, sekarang I nak kerja pun macam malas sebab untuk staff sendiri, masa depan adalah sangat uncertainty. Tak tahu kami kena pergi mana selepas ini. Memang banyak vacancy advertised by Company D but too bad kami kena apply sendiri as an outside candidate. HR pun di sini tidak memainkan peranan. Walaupun, I rasa no staff retrenchment apa tah lagi VSS to be offered, but HR should more concern about our future kat sini.
I apply jugalah any suitable post kat Company D tu, tapi dah 3 minggu status tak berubah pun. Masih unprocessed. The dateline is today and tak tahulah macam mana sekarang. Hanya kena tunggu dan lihat. And sangat frustrated bila my own boss sendiri pun sibuk apply juga walaupun he already reached his retirement age. Maybe tak cukup-cukup duit lagi kot.
Speaking about my boss, he did not plan anything for his staff yang 3 ketol ni. He never take any action to ask directly our subsidiaries to absorb kami ni. Dari dulu sampai sekarang memang he never care about his staff benefits. NEVER!!! Sebab tulah, kalau dia kata nak lunch / dinner / buka puasa dengan kami, memanglah 1,001 alasan kami bagi untuk avoid him. Memang bermuka sangat. Banyak bukti jugaklah pasal 'kejahatan' dia ni sejak I rapat dengan his PA. Kalau nak cerita pun, jadi lagi sakit hati je. But, kalau ada post yang related, I will tell.
I lagi jadi makin sedih bila ada Head from other department yang sanggup jumpa subsidiaries for staff absorption from his department. He did that just to ensure tiada siapa yang left out from his department lah. Nak terus tau masa depan. Kenapalah my boss tak macam orang lain? :-(
Apa-apa pun, memang kena doa banyak-banyak sekarang semoga Allah permudahkan semua usaha kami. Kali ni Allah duga kebanyakan kami di sini.