been a while kan I tak menulis kat sini… Oh ya.. lupa nak bagi tahu..just
started my class for this semester. Minggu ni dah masuk 4th week. So
happy to see only muka-muka yang I nak tengok je for this semester. The rest,
especially those girls, only took Sunday class but so far I hanya terserempak 2
orang je. Luckily yang ni, jenis okay. Kiranya, diaorang okay je borak dengan I
masa jumpa kat surau during class break.
By the
way, one of the clan, ada kena repeat paper and she stayed same class dengan I
because lecturer yang sama. Ada one more lecturer yang ajar subject sama, but
maybe sebab ramai yang dia kenal dalam my class (1/3 adalah my batch who is
repeaters macam dia), so I rasa that’s the main reason she stay. Tapi, I am a
bit relief juga sebab dia pun rarely datang kelas… hahahahaha…
this semester, AI masih my teman berpisah jua tiada.. 1 paper je pun yang ada
group project. The rest is individual so, tak adalah dependent sangat kat dia..
miaahaha.. Hmmm, I think I will miss my friendship with him. This semester je
tinggal bersama. Next semester, both of us will choose different type of
research project di mana I still attend class and he’s not.
semester, my time so far is still manageable. Dah berazam dah ni nak score
semua A for all 3 subject. A tu, tak kisahlah A+ ke, A ke or A-. It is still A
pun. Kalau orang tanya result I, I selalu cakap dapat A walaupun ada mixed
grade of A dalam tu.. and the respond I dapat adalah.. “Wah…hebatnya…dapat
anugerah lah semester ni” which is not pun. For me, as long I dapat 3.5 and
above (for both GPA and CGPA), I dah cukup syukur sangat-sangat dah. Sebabnya,
I never achieved that grade masa undergrad dulu. Sekali je kot dapat pointer
3++ pastu, caca marba.. pastu,, bila ada semester you dapat D, then gone lah
your CGPA. I rasa I ada 2 subject kot
dapat D masa undergrad dulu.
that’s the beauty of learning. Untuk I lah…Maybe penat kot jadi scorer masa
sekolah dulu. So, bila sambung belajar lepas tu, my expectation dah moderate
sikit. I nak make sure my study berjalan seiring dengan my happiness. Stress,
pressure tu is a must but, don’t make it too much. Lagipun, ni ilmu dunia je.
Ilmu akhirat tu lagi penting.