
Wednesday, 30 March 2016

New Semester 4/5


It’s been a while kan I tak menulis kat sini… Oh ya.. lupa nak bagi tahu..just started my class for this semester. Minggu ni dah masuk 4th week. So happy to see only muka-muka yang I nak tengok je for this semester. The rest, especially those girls, only took Sunday class but so far I hanya terserempak 2 orang je. Luckily yang ni, jenis okay. Kiranya, diaorang okay je borak dengan I masa jumpa kat surau during class break.

By the way, one of the clan, ada kena repeat paper and she stayed same class dengan I because lecturer yang sama. Ada one more lecturer yang ajar subject sama, but maybe sebab ramai yang dia kenal dalam my class (1/3 adalah my batch who is repeaters macam dia), so I rasa that’s the main reason she stay. Tapi, I am a bit relief juga sebab dia pun rarely datang kelas… hahahahaha…

So, this semester, AI masih my teman berpisah jua tiada.. 1 paper je pun yang ada group project. The rest is individual so, tak adalah dependent sangat kat dia.. miaahaha.. Hmmm, I think I will miss my friendship with him. This semester je tinggal bersama. Next semester, both of us will choose different type of research project di mana I still attend class and he’s not.

This semester, my time so far is still manageable. Dah berazam dah ni nak score semua A for all 3 subject. A tu, tak kisahlah A+ ke, A ke or A-. It is still A pun. Kalau orang tanya result I, I selalu cakap dapat A walaupun ada mixed grade of A dalam tu.. and the respond I dapat adalah.. “Wah…hebatnya…dapat anugerah lah semester ni” which is not pun. For me, as long I dapat 3.5 and above (for both GPA and CGPA), I dah cukup syukur sangat-sangat dah. Sebabnya, I never achieved that grade masa undergrad dulu. Sekali je kot dapat pointer 3++ pastu, caca marba.. pastu,, bila ada semester you dapat D, then gone lah your CGPA.  I rasa I ada 2 subject kot dapat D masa undergrad dulu.

Well, that’s the beauty of learning. Untuk I lah…Maybe penat kot jadi scorer masa sekolah dulu. So, bila sambung belajar lepas tu, my expectation dah moderate sikit. I nak make sure my study berjalan seiring dengan my happiness. Stress, pressure tu is a must but, don’t make it too much. Lagipun, ni ilmu dunia je. Ilmu akhirat tu lagi penting.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Pucca # 25

Last night, boleh mimpi pula MM. I think I missed him. But, did he miss me? 

Mimpi biasa je.. he asked (ke forced) me to sit beside him masa makan. Baik pula dia time tu. He smile and acted nicely compared to last time muka dia masam mencuka. Masa makan tu, I can hear clearly dia baca Bismilah.. Hahahaha... Tapi orang cakap, mimpi kalau ada suara / orang bercakap tu syaitan.

By the way, I think I boleh mimpi dia sebab lately ni I terfikir pasal dia balik. Ni semua sebab this week, keluar news pasal one of the O&G company will let go their 1,000 employees. I am pretty scared juga if he was affected sebab dia pun consider baru mula 'bernafas' kembali after being unemployed for almost a year after he left Company B. Tapi, kalau dah sit on senior / top position, the chance to be in the list memang ada. I just can pray that dia okay and will stay in that company, not affected at all with that news. Amin!!