
Friday, 30 June 2017

Raya 2016 and 2017



My family tak balik kampung for Raya last time... dah banyak tahun dah..

Throwback kejap...untuk tahun 2016, I bawak my family pergi Cyberview. 7 of us. I've been there once for company A retreat in 2010. Memang happening because I kongsi 1 bilik dengan Si Cantik and my ex beloved friend, HO. A lot of good moments to remember time staff retreat kat sini. This time, MM pun masih ada with us. 

Then, kalau tak silap, next yearnya (2011), I hadiahkan 1 night stay kat sini jugak to my parents for their anniversary yang ke 39. My Mom bila balik tak habis-habis puji shower kat bilik best.. 

And for Raya 2017, I tak bawa my family pergi mana-mana. Just stay kat rumah je. Well, this time, I saw my parents extra happiness because all of us are here. My brother with his wife, my sister, the nephew..semua ada. Oh ya, 1 person is missing, my brother in law yang mana I rasa kalau dia ada the suasana Raya akan jadi macam tak berapa happy after what he did / said to my parents last time.

So, marilah berdoa agar next year raya (2018) ada pertambahan family member... hahahahah

Happened to know

As usual, walaupun hati ini half half je samada nak atau tidak untul wish / jawab wish Selamat Hari Raya to / from KN, tapi in the end, mestilah aku yang gatal jugak nak buat. This year, I sent a Raya wish again to him. Tapi takdelah berjela-jela macam last year. Simple sahaja... General wish.. sebabnya kalau meleret-leret macam tahun lepas, in the end I will get sick sebab dia akan bagi false hope.

And for this year, time whatsapp dengan KN (1 day after Raya), baru lah I got to know that he already resigned from his company yang Kulim nun. When I told my Mom, mak kata, nasib baiklah I tak joined the of KN's office hari tu. KN said the company has financial problem and so many lah which I don't ask for details.

Bila tahu dia dah resign, as usual, semangat belas kasihan I pun kembali menyeru. He resigned early May,and dia kata nak dok rehat-rehat lagi sambil survey cari kerja lain. Ayat 'rehat-rehat' tulah make me a bit pissed off. But, I don't blame him lah sebab markert sekarang pun not good and quite competitive especially for him yang dari background automotive enginering. Tapi maybe duit dia dah banyak kot... Hahahaha... Well, he needs to cepat-cepat cari lah kan kerja juga because I tau dia ada komitmen besar yang dia kena hadap. 

While I consoled him sebagai kawan yang sangat mengambil berat... I pun tak expect he will say this..

Ntahlah, dalam I geram yang kadang-kadang tahap melampau, mesti lah ada a bit sympathy to him. I think I always be like this to everyone walaupaun I know they treated me like a shit sometimes.

Hopefully he will find his new job soon.