Situasi I dengan STM lebih kurang macam di ataslah. Gaduh pastu baik. Last time happened, tetiba kami ter'gaduh besar', baik kejap for 2 months, then gaduh balik for second time and now, Alhamdulillah, dah masuk bulan ke 5, tak ada lagi bad sign. After gaduh for second time tu, masa tempoh baik dah lepas bulan ke 2, I memang serious risau tahap melampau mana tahu kalau ter'gaduh' balik. Mau kena cerai talak tiga and tiada lagi maaf bagiku kot time tu. ** We measure success and depth by length of time, but is is possible to have a deep relationship that doesn't always stay the same - Barbara Hershey **
Kami gaduh pun bukan sebab apa. STM took benda yang I cuba sampaikan kat dia which is for his own good as benda remeh, but not for me. Kalau dah libatkan nama baik, I don't think it is sebab yang remeh. Kesian I time tu. Betapa hancur luluh hati ini tau bila dia buat macam tu and I don't expect to get such a bad response from him.
Well, at last, STM realised juga that I won't do anything bad just to harm dia. Kan ke I told myself earlier that I love this friendship (as at now) and I will do anything to make it worked and stay healthy.
Bila I borak dengan STM, at last dia tersebut juga yang dia dah tak ada sesiapa kawan rapat at this moment (Read: Rupanya, dia still anggap I one of his close friend. Dulu ego melangit!!). And dia juga sempat mentioned kejahatan Cik Diva yang jadi Tukang Racun to geng Cik Joyah Sport.
I know Allah is listening to every single of my words (Doa). Memang I always pray good things for STM. Bila jadi macam ni, I memang harap one day nanti, STM's hijab akan terbuka sendiri to see the truth. I bukan apa, sedih bila dia buta-buta blamed I last time. Tak sempat nak defense apa-apa sebab he didn't give me any single chance. I tau I didn't do anything wrong pun, but he accused me too much and that deeply hurts me.
So now, walaupun STM dulu pernah buat macam-macam kat I (vice versa, but mine is too little compared to him), but we've learned a lot of thing from our silly mistakes. Benda-benda ni buatkan our friendship are beautiful and colourful. I appreciate him as one of my lovely friend and I gonna miss him, at infinity level!!
I wish I have something secured with him to make our friendship last longer, forever and ever. Can it be?
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