
Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Memang annoying or he just a jerk?

I want to talk about KN..

I wrote to him somewhere early Jan 2016

I sent this email to KN, dengan harapan yang I boleh tolong dia (sikit or banyak) regarding his custodian on his children. I don't know why I concerned (curious maybe) about him and also his kids. It is nothing to do with me actually, but sebab the situation is similar with what had happened to my family. We faced it long time ago and walaupun the good things is side to us, the pain is still there. So, can you imagine, everytime kalau I bawak my Mom pergi rumah dia (never had a chance to bump into him so far), his mother will talk about her grandchildren who always kena "buli" by the step and bla..bla..bla... Asyik dok sogok cerita yang sama (looks like no end eh..) maka jadilah kesian sangat sampai my Mom and I promised to her that we will try to help in our own way.

And sebab cerita keluh kesah hanya melalui mak KN je, jadi aku ni kan selalunya extra advance so, I email to him (email atas ni lah). I got his email address dulu sebab nak send resume masa tengah tension kerja kat Company B. Ayat direct kot kat atas tu, pun sudahnya no single reply pun from him. At least, say "Thanks" la brother sebab ada orang care pasal you and your family problem tu...

Then, masa raya, beria lah I send whatsapp la bagai kan... ooo..he replied. And I pun yang terlebih rajin ni kemain invite him datang rumah lah bagai...He said okay...dah lah time tu I got class on weekend (Saturday and Sunday) so, everytime nak pergi kelas, I akan tinggalkan duit raya for his kids and siap pesan lagi dengan my Lil Sis untuk bagi, in case kalau time dia and family dia datang, I takde... But, sampai habis raya, batang hidung pun tak nampak..

Pastu apa lagi...

Oh ya... kes masa his birthday tu lah.. u can read it here.. Kemain kan..

Then, I sent whatsapp jugak asking about his kids UPSR's result.... he replied..

And early of this year, as usual I will asked about his children..sekolah kat mana and so on... he replied..  tapi tak silap, lepas ni kot, I made a decision to stop contact him. Uish, dan dan tu terus delete his contact details and also whatsapp history. And I also unfollow his IG..FB still friend but unfollow je. Kemain kan sampai macam tu sekali..

Kemudian, last 2 weeks kot, I saja je (memang gatal kot aku ni, tak pernah putus asa) sent hi message again to him. Actually, itu intro je sebab I nak tanya about car spare parts which benda ni memang his industry. Tak balas okay sampailah 2-3 days kot. Then, aku hangin jugaklah. Benda ni quite urgent and I really want to get few feedback before I can proceed with whatever option I have in hand masa tu. So, nak tak nak, I send message to him thru IG. Eh, reply plak tapi kat whatsapp. Manalah aku tak geram.. Pong pang pong pang, pastu dia diam  balik..Sakit hati, kerana saya ini jenis tak suka cerita habis 1/2 way, so after my car issue settled by myself, I send a notes to him lah, thank him on his effort nak tolong tanya kawan dia. Aku penat lah type panjang-panjang, haram dia nak reply. Then, kegeraman adalah memuncak maka I send a bit direct message (slap message) to him kat IG. I know he read it. (Tapi aku dah banyak kali slap dia thru message, maybe he still didn't get it??)

My bad sebab all the above, I tak simpan any screenschot pun..takpelah, biar benda tu luput di ingatan. Kalau save, tepek kat sini, lagi aku sakit hati..

Tak faham sungguh mamat ni... adakah dia seorang yang annoying and he just being a jerk? Setahu I lah, dia ni orang yang pendiam and banyak tahan sabar kot. Masa I tau pasal dia dulu with his ex pun, dari gaya jalan cerita from his Mom, dia ni banyak diam je.. But, why lah he did this to me? 

If he don't like all this, he should have the balls okay to say it direct to my face. I am okay saja pun, maybe butthurt lah kejap. Ni memang main tarik tali betul. Tapikan, takut pulak dia kata I minah physco pulak ke... tapi mana ada physco pun because I never intend to harass dia rasa I nak tackle dia kot? Or maybe he afraid because of his dark experience with the ex? Or sebenarnya dia dah ada gf takut gf dia pijak kepala dia?

Ntahlah, for me, I take it easy. Kalau ada, adalah...kalau takde, takde lah

Takpe, cool down je lah dulu for the time being.

Oh ya, people will kata aku la ni gila sebab dok chase him...but I have my own reason is about the feeling..something which is hard to explain... nanti kalau ada script yang sesuai, I will write here.. ceh!! Macam lah orang nak baca pun...Kihkihkih!!!

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