
Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Pucca # 13

I told you... "NO RICE! NO RICE! NO RICE"

A big NO to RICE. Once a week should be okay macam last time you did. Small portion as usual.

Ni mentang-mentang your Mom rajin buat nasi goreng atuk ala fasha sandha, wah kemain hang makan nasi memanjang. Siap tamak suruh letak ikan goreng banyak-banyak. Knowing your Mom, time dia happy she will cooks a lot.

And now padan muka bila timbang naik 3 kilos. Nak turun pulak memang susah.

Please do something about it!!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Pucca # 12

Uwaaaa.. pagi tadi boleh tidur @ 3am. Ni semua salahkan si STM. Melayan dia borak using whatsapp punya pasal. Actually the borak stopped at 1.20am something when he start mentioned pasal someone yang memang I not-so- like. My tone dah lain and I am pretty sure he noticed that.

Tapikan...tapikan... apasal 20 minutes later he ping me back? And the borak continue more than an hour. Kul 3am, baru dapat tidur. Pity me. No such beauty sleeping dah..

Howlah I can layan him to that extent? Padahal I memang dah start berangin. And this is not first time. Oh my! I think my sabar level masih tinggi lagi rupanya..

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Pucca # 11

Oh my.... macam mana ni.. I hate this feeling when I start rindu my kawan-kawan.

Sejak semalam, I dah start menyampah and geram jugalah dengan BB. Dia selalu makes me unattended. Peliknya, time his mobile data shut down, every day dia boleh pulak melayan kawan dia ni (gigih setiap hari sanggup bukak email), but bila his email can access from his mobile, dah start malas pulak dia). I hate you!

Sejak semalam juga, I start rindu dengan STM walaupun he has the menyampah perangai but lovely at the same time. Aduhai... I ni kena kahwin dengan dia kot? Boleh tatap dia setiap hari. Eh, chop! Wild dream sungguh!

*Slap forehead*

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The handsome guy

Ada sorang technician yang selalu datang my office to service our photostat machine. First time I saw him, I adalah terkesima sebab he really looks like below actor

Zo In-Sung / Jo In-Sung
The above actor I ter'google' masa te'rtengok' his 'wild' actions in A Frozen Flower. (Owh, I pun tak ingat macam mana I boleh tertengok this movie. Maybe I was in the middle of surfing something and this movie appeared as one of the search result). Last-last, I download from Internet to get full movie just to menatap this mamat face. Oh, my..he is so handsome :-)

Back to the technician story. Bila I nampak muka dia balik, jam tu jugak I teringat this actor.. Wah.. terjatuh cinta few minutes with him and jatuh cinta will be everytime he came to my office. Serious you..similar with Mr.Zo tu!! Oh ya, the technician is a Chinese and kalau dah muka macam korean actor ni, kira package handsome lah kan.. Anyway, this guy is so nice with me. If I was not around, the next time dia datang, dia mesti cakap "Last month, I datang, you takde!" 

And I pun flattered dengan terlebih-lebihnya !! Hahahahha...

(Note: The technician came to my office this morning. Handsome as usual. I think, next time I should show him this picture)

For the love one

Few days ago, it was STM's birthday. I actually, dah karang awal-awal my birthday wishes for him. And banyak kali juga actually I revised. Konon-konon I nak surprise him with my best wishes yang macam menyentuh perasaan tu. Hahhaha...

Well, tak jadi pun my plan ni. We were chatting about something late night before his birthday and it dragged me until the next day (after 12.00 am). I pun macam.."Ala, celah mana nak wish dia ni..." Our conversations time tu pulak quite serious and I pun dah start pening. Fikir punya fikir, so I decided to wish him esok pagi before I pergi kerja. Habis cerita.

Tengah-tengah borak tu, suddenly, STM said "Wish me happy birthday". (Wah..comelnya ayat dia time tu.. Hahahahah!!) 

My special edition for the longest birthday wishes for him:

To my dearie, STM.
Happy Birthday! 
May Allah always bless you with His never ending loves.

You know what, jika I ada 'kuasa' sekarang, I want to remove all your current pain, solve all your problem and easily granted your wishes.
Sebabnya, I teringin nak tengok you senyum and ketawa besar macam dulu.
You tau, I missed your happy face, your smile and your big laugh. 
Last time bila I jumpa you, I actually nak menangis tengok keadaan you.
How serabut you are. Nak tengok you senyum ikhlas pun susah!

By the way, I tau banyak benda yang you fikirkan sekarang, and I harap, semuanya akan segera selesai satu persatu. (Actually, I hope you also learned something from it too)
Apa-apa pun, terima kasih sebab you willing to share your burdens with me. 
I hope my 2 cents opinions can ease a little bit of it.
Boleh tenangkan hati you and make you comfortable.

Finally, I just want you to know, Insya Allah, I akan sentiasa berada di sisi you, walau dalam apa keadaan sekali pun.. and this is my promise!!
And your name always in my Doa.

Thank you sebab masih and sudi menjadi kawan I. 

I really miss you, my dear!!

(My tears dropped when I wrote this entry. Mana taknya, too many incident happened to me sejak I decided to get close with him. Sometimes, I pun get confused (until now), macam mana, I can make that decison. Apa-apa pun, Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Dia lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hamba-hambaNya. Wallahua'lam)

Do not leave your drink unattended!!

Dulu-dulu, masa we still stayed in our old house, my Mom suka pasang kaset ceramah agama. I pun suka tumpang sekaki. Ustaz yang paling I suka dengar time tu adalah Ustaz Ismail Kamus. Masa nak pindah, time packing, rasanya beratus-ratus (kot) kaset yang my Mom ada.

And dulu-dulu pun I suka dengar ceramah agama and soal jawab agama di radio. Banyak benda baru yang I tahu. Beside having proper Islamic education in school, I also voluntarily cari sendiri knowledge itu, especially yang related to Islam. Not saying that I'm now a good Muslim, but I think we must try harder to be a good Muslim, without any excuses!

One of it, yang I masih ingat dan masih praktiskan sampai sekarang adalah "jangan sekali-kali membiarkan air minuman anda terdedah". Sebabnya, syaitan akan mengotori air tersebut dengan apa saja. Ada yang cakap with their urine.. errkk!!. Bila minuman itu dah dicemari, for sure benda tak elok akan jadi dalam diri kita. Tak elok itu, I rasa lebih kepada degil, malas, sentiasa was was, or yang paling senang, segala sifat mazmumah akan tertanam secara perlahan-lahan dalam diri anda. FYI, I believed this!!

So, I will cover my drink dengan apa cara sekalipun. Dengan tisu pun jadi.. Apa-apapun, kena creative sikitlah kalau nak buat cover tu asalkan it can covered your drink. But, I'm not doing this kalau tengah makan kat kedai (macam pelik sikit lah pulak nanti. Lagipun, time makan kat kedai, air yang kita order tu, for sure kita akan habiskan jam tu juga). So, I akan cover my drink kalau tengah buat kerja, tengok tv or during the seminar. 

(By the way, I suka imagine this devil akan buat terjunan papan anjal ke dalam minuman yang terdedah tu. Or, sometimes, I imagined them keluar masuk pool, like cartoon!!) 

Pakai penutup tupperware pun jadi

Iron Ladies

Gambar-gambar ni I ambil masa hantar my Lil Sis to Cyberjaya. She had to meet someone kat sana and sambil tunggu dia, I just look around. There was one big building in construction nearby her meeting place.

Mula-mula, nothing caught my attention. Then, suddenly I saw them. Lama juga I perhatikan dua orang ni, sambil meneka lelaki ke perempuan. Actually, agak susah juga nak directly recognised them at the first place. Rupa-rupanya perempuan. From body structure, I guess mereka ni berumur 40-an. 

Now, makin ramai wanita pun get involved in heavy works just like them, demi untuk sesuap nasi / rezeki yang halal. (Can I called this type of person as "Iron Lady"??). Cukup tak cukup pendapatan yang mereka dapat tu, I think it is not an issue, sebab I'm pretty sure they know how to budget each cent they received for the day/ week/month. Yang penting, rezeki itu halal. 

I know their employer won't asked them to do heavy tasks like their men colleague. Setakat kemas-kemas, susun barang, bersihkan sampah sarap, sapu pasir, tolong angkat light items using the kereta sorong, I know they can do it. Oh ya, ada juga few times I meet few of them working at tempat pembinaan jalan raya. Dahlah kawasan situ panas, but mereka ni, setia meneruskan kerjanya sehingga selesai. 

Semoga Allah melindungi mereka dari sebarang musibah. Amin!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Sunday, 12 May 2013

My health # 10

1 1/2 hour done.
Activity dibuat time tengah panas terik petang but nasib baik windy.
Anyway, I love my activity today .;-)

Note: Imagine kalau dapat around 20km per week, I bet you for sure I can simply lose around 2kg per week. Chaiyokk!!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

GE # 13

Sana sini orang still sibuk discuss pasal recent General Election (GE). Memang ramai yang tak puas hati, especially me. I pun tak puas hati juga.. Tak puas hati sebab so many story keluar before GE, during GE and after GE. Phantom voters, missing boxes, buying vote (bribe), and yang paling kelakar, boleh blackout time nak kira just name it. Semua possibility of dirty trick was there. I rasa, sejak opposition party semakin kuat dan menyerlah, macam-macam hal jadi during the election and it is started since 2004. Before that takde pulak. 

Kat FB pula, dah naik menyampah dah baca. Ikutkan hati, nak je deactivate account. Some of my friends cuba jadi hero / heroin dengan bagi pendapat mereka sendiri. Are they really into politic's world? Are they the best person to analyse our political situation? I tahu diaorang ni pun bagi opinion berdasarkan opinion si A. Dan si A ni pun bagi opinion atas si B or C punya opinion. Kan ke itu semua kerja bodoh? Tak salah actually nak bagi opinion tu, tapi cari / baca / dengarlah opinion dari penganalisa politik bebas. Yang independent. Mereka ini lebih telus dan adil. Trust me!!

FB nowadays bukan tempat yang happy lagi. Dah macam sampah dah I tengok. Kutuk sana kutuk sini. Tapi satu jelah yang I perasan. My friend yang duk gebang sana sini, kutuk (include caci maki) bagai nak rak the opposition mostly yang pro government. Yang pro opposition, tak delah teruk sangat. Jauh beza sungguh.

And lastly, pasal racist. Oh my..apa lah nak jadi now :-( Apa-apa pun, I pray semoga semua kembali aman. Bumi dah makin tua..Tanda akhir zaman dah makin ketara. 

Akhir kalam... "Kalau mata dah buta untuk melihat kebenaran, sekurang2nya biarlah hati itu celik mentafsir keadaan." (copy from my friend's FB)

Sunday, 5 May 2013

05.05.13 - GE # 13

Harap semuanya berjalan dengan lancar and cepat berakhir. This time so many 'dirty' things has been revealed. Bila bab agama pun dah mula dipermainkan, I think it is too much. Zero respect!!

To new voters, I hope thay can vote wisely. We knew in 2008, ramai yang daftar last minute tapi tak dapat nak undi. This time, I wish them luck!

Here are some of the pictures yang I managed to catch. Meriah sungguh. Almaklumlah, 5 tahun sekali je. Ada juga lalu kawasan 'panas', tapi tak sempat nak tangkap kemeriahan perang poster at that area sebab I'm driving :'(

Note: Banyak 'biru' sebab itu je yang paling banyak dan yang sempat ditangkap. Try to find the 'hijau' but tiada pula.

Bukti I dah mengundi :-)