Mula-mula, nothing caught my attention. Then, suddenly I saw them. Lama juga I perhatikan dua orang ni, sambil meneka lelaki ke perempuan. Actually, agak susah juga nak directly recognised them at the first place. Rupa-rupanya perempuan. From body structure, I guess mereka ni berumur 40-an.
Now, makin ramai wanita pun get involved in heavy works just like them, demi untuk sesuap nasi / rezeki yang halal. (Can I called this type of person as "Iron Lady"??). Cukup tak cukup pendapatan yang mereka dapat tu, I think it is not an issue, sebab I'm pretty sure they know how to budget each cent they received for the day/ week/month. Yang penting, rezeki itu halal.
I know their employer won't asked them to do heavy tasks like their men colleague. Setakat kemas-kemas, susun barang, bersihkan sampah sarap, sapu pasir, tolong angkat light items using the kereta sorong, I know they can do it. Oh ya, ada juga few times I meet few of them working at tempat pembinaan jalan raya. Dahlah kawasan situ panas, but mereka ni, setia meneruskan kerjanya sehingga selesai.
Semoga Allah melindungi mereka dari sebarang musibah. Amin!
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