Few days ago, it was STM's birthday. I actually, dah karang awal-awal my birthday wishes for him. And banyak kali juga actually I revised. Konon-konon I nak surprise him with my best wishes yang macam menyentuh perasaan tu. Hahhaha...
Well, tak jadi pun my plan ni. We were chatting about something late night before his birthday and it dragged me until the next day (after 12.00 am). I pun macam.."Ala, celah mana nak wish dia ni..." Our conversations time tu pulak quite serious and I pun dah start pening. Fikir punya fikir, so I decided to wish him esok pagi before I pergi kerja. Habis cerita.
Tengah-tengah borak tu, suddenly, STM said "Wish me happy birthday". (Wah..comelnya ayat dia time tu.. Hahahahah!!)
My special edition for the longest birthday wishes for him:
To my dearie, STM.
Happy Birthday!
May Allah always bless you with His never ending loves.
You know what, jika I ada 'kuasa' sekarang, I want to remove all your current pain, solve all your problem and easily granted your wishes.
Sebabnya, I teringin nak tengok you senyum and ketawa besar macam dulu.
You tau, I missed your happy face, your smile and your big laugh.
Last time bila I jumpa you, I actually nak menangis tengok keadaan you.
How serabut you are. Nak tengok you senyum ikhlas pun susah!
By the way, I tau banyak benda yang you fikirkan sekarang, and I harap, semuanya akan segera selesai satu persatu. (Actually, I hope you also learned something from it too)
Apa-apa pun, terima kasih sebab you willing to share your burdens with me.
I hope my 2 cents opinions can ease a little bit of it.
Boleh tenangkan hati you and make you comfortable.
Finally, I just want you to know, Insya Allah, I akan sentiasa berada di sisi you, walau dalam apa keadaan sekali pun.. and this is my promise!!
And your name always in my Doa.
Thank you sebab masih and sudi menjadi kawan I.
I really miss you, my dear!!
(My tears dropped when I wrote this entry. Mana taknya, too many incident happened to me sejak I decided to get close with him. Sometimes, I pun get confused (until now), macam mana, I can make that decison. Apa-apa pun, Allah Maha Mengetahui dan Dia lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hamba-hambaNya. Wallahua'lam)
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